Let's Get Your Team Certified!
PMI & Agile Certification Preparation for Organizations
Supplement Your PMI Certification Program
Did you know the process is the most difficult part of the exam?
Our ProjectFlo® 6 Process Learning System is the answer!
Our 4-step system is based on PMI’s Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) - Sixth Edition, released in late 2017.
STUDY the Visual Process Map
PRACTICE by playing the game
SIMULATE using our Level 1 & 2 worksheets
MASTER by recreating the process on a blank sheet of paper
Minimal agenda time required! Supplement your CAPM® and PMP® Courses Today!
CAPM & PMP Certification Preparation
PMOtraining's PMP® Certification Preparation includes our exclusive ProjectFlo® Process Learning System.
Onsite or Virtual
Flexible scheduling options are available for your organization.
Agile Certification Preparation
Group Preparation Courses & Proctored Certification Sessions:
Scrum Master
Product Owner
Plus, our workshops for Executives, Managers and Team Members get everyone on the same page.
Certifications & Coaching for Busy Professionals
Schedule A Call
CAPM®, PMI®, PMP® and PMBOK® are registered trademarks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.